Mission Statement
The Council for School Leadership is committed to the promotion and advancement of excellent practices in educational leadership. The CSL is a learning community of outstanding principals and assistant principals throughout Alberta, who share professionally, interact collegially, and act as mentors to new colleagues. The CSL provides avenues for research and sharing of best practices. It is made of up individuals who are looking to challenge the status quo, improve learning in their contexts, and be equipped for higher levels of leadership. These individuals are considered role models in vibrant network of educational leaders with the confidence and capabilities to lead innovative change for 21st century learning - the Council for School Leadership.
Leadership Excellence
The Council for School Leadership provides for its members, access to expert knowledge and current research through publications and professional development opportunities that promote personal meaning and practical application of proven strategies and principles.
Leadership Learning Activities
The Council for School Leadership uses the Principal Quality Competencies of the province of Alberta as a framework for professional development to build leadership capacity in school administrators. The Council for School Leadership sponsors the annual uLead conference held in Alberta - a watershed professional learning event for school leaders that is international in scope. The Council for School Leadership collaborates with other professional learning providers on programming for school leaders including the Alberta Teachers' Association, teachers’ conventions, and universities. The Council for School Leadership also supports leadership development programs to prepare vice/assistant principals for the principalship and to equip principals to serve in their role.
The Council for School Leadership works collaboratively with the Alberta Teachers' Association in support of its annual Leadership Essentials for Administrators conference and Educational Leadership Academy. and In addition it works collaboratively with all educational partners through its regional network to offer a series of workshops, information sharing and dialogues throughout the province of Alberta. Members of the Council for School Leadership regularly contribute courses and professional learning materials on the subject of school leadership to the Alberta Teachers on iTunes U affiliate site.
The Council for School Leadership, initiates and disseminates research to study trends, leadership practices and educational questions within the Alberta context. The Council for School Leadership encourages selected research projects undertaken by its members to address current questions or issues facing school leaders.
Collegiality and Networking
Discussion forums which address the specific needs of unique schools, configurations and programs are organized provincially to support dialogue and the sharing of resources developed by our members. The Leadership Times is issued several times each year toserve members by communicating timely information on current issues. The Council for School Leadership website also supports networking and collaboration.
The Council for School Leadership advocates for public education, students and teachers to enhance teaching and learning opportunities in Alberta. The Council is a recognized authoritative voice on matters of school leadership in Alberta and beyond. The Council for School Leadership has an effective communication network that enables it to represent the views and concerns of all school leaders in Alberta. The Council for School leadership has a permanent representative on the School Administrator Issues and Concerns Committee (SAICC) that ensures that school leaders are valued members of the Alberta Teachers Association and their professional needs are addressed and supported. Through effective representation and communication the Council for School Leadership influences policy and practices of government and education partners.